Inter-university Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat

Interuniversity courses for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students


The Teaching Staff team

The teaching staff of the interuniversity courses consists of academic staff members from various Israeli universities. They are frequently joined by experts from Israeli research institutes and universities abroad.


Format of the Interuniversity Courses

The interuniversity courses take place in the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat for 6 to 10 days. In some courses a preliminary meeting will be held at one of the universities in the center of the country, in order to give out reading material and assign tasks such as seminars for the students to prepare. The courses include fieldwork (sailing, snorkeling and diving excursions to collect material), lab observations, experiments, lectures, seminars and discussions. At the end of the course the students take a multi-choice exam and/or submit a paper. The final grade is based on the exam or on a combination of the exam and the students' work on their projects. It is sent to the student's address and to the secretariat of the student’s teaching program. 


Course Dates

See the calendar and the notices posted on the Interuniversity Institute billboard towards the beginning of the school year:


Credit Points for the Interuniversity Courses:

The Interuniversity Institute is responsible for organizing the courses and for its scientific-professional standard. The number of credits awarded to students for participation in the course is determined by their home university, according to its credit key and its policy. To prevent any misunderstandings, please verify with the authorized bodies in your institution the credits before beginning the course, and request a written approval from the head of your teaching program to include an interuniversity course in your studies. The course table on the Interuniversity Institute site specifies the credit points awarded for each course.


How to Apply for the Interuniversity Courses:

Admission to a course given by the Institute is not automatically guaranteed by the registration through the home university, but is valid only upon receiving confirmation from the Interuniversity Institute secretariat. Applications for courses should be sent to the Interuniversity Institute before the beginning of the school year, in accordance with the dates posted on the Institute site. Please enclose a formal record of studies (1st and 2nd year grades for 3rd year BSc students, BSc grades for MSc students, BSc and MSc grades for PhD students), and write "application for [course name]" on the envelope in a clear manner. Records of studies may also be sent by fax to 08-6374329. An admission letter will be sent to your email address or to your home mail address. Final admission to the course is conditional on the student's confirmation after receiving an answer from the Institute. The Institute will recommend giving a grade of "zero" (0) to students who fail to participate without a satisfactory reason after confirming their participation.



Beit Dor, located on the Eilat campus, serves as a dormitory for both instructors and students participating in the courses. Several of the rooms are designated for students. Each room accommodates 2 to 4 students and has an adjacent restroom, bath and kitchen (with two sets of dishes for kosher keepers). The proximity of the rooms, the labs and the lecture hall enables students to make to most of their stay during the course.


Required equipment

Please bring towels, sport shoes suitable for walking and swimming in the sea, a wide-brimmed hat, sunblock, a swimsuit, a diving suit and diving gear (if available).



The institute operates a dive center which serves the research team and offers courses as necessary. Proficiency in diving is not a prerequisite for admission to the courses in Eilat. In order that we can determine whether you may to dive as part of your course and training, please send copies of a valid diving license and diving insurance in advance. If possible, and after examination, you will able to dive to make the observations in the course.



The disciplinary regulations which apply to students studying and working at the Interuniversity Institute are those applying at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. All students participating in our courses are obliged to follow these regulations.


MSc and PhD thesis at the Interuniversity Institute

Any students who were admitted to the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, and whose research concerns the Red Sea, may apply to perform their research work at the Interuniversity Institute.


The steps are as follows:

Select a topic which interests you.

Consult with instructors and students who already study at the institute regarding the instructors who can serve as supervisors in this area (a list of the instructors and the topics in which they specialize can be found on the Institute site – http://www/

Determine your study program (please note that part of the program requires that you study at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment for at least several months).


For information and inquiries:

Please contact Barak Yarden, Secretariat of the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat, P.O.B 469, Eilat 8810302

Tel: +972-8-6360197 / 08-6360111
Fax: +972-8-6960193