M.Sc. program: Biotechnology (890)

The program offers a wide range of technological education and is flexible to the diverse research under the biotechnology umbrella. Our graduates have improved chances to work in the biotech industry and further develop into entrepreneurs in Israel and abroad.


Study tracks: Thesis (30 HUJI credits)

Duration of studies: 2 years

M.Sc. program: Veterinary Public Health - MVPH (736)

The master's program in Veterinary Public Health (MVPH) is a joint program of the School of Veterinary Medicine and the School of Public Health and Community Medicine. The program aims to strengthen the bonds between veterinarians and the system of public health for the benefit of the health of the population.


The program is only open for Doctors of Veterinary Medicine


M.Sc. program: Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science (735)

Students conduct research and write their thesis under the supervision of the lecturers in the Animal Science Department and the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine. Research topics are in both applied and basic sciences, and include improving and increasing productivity; animal welfare; livestock, pet and birds diseases and medicine; public health; development of models for human disease research; and the functionality and control of basic mechanisms at the various levels – the cell, the tissue or the animal as a whole. 

M.Sc. program: Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition (723)

The graduate program provides trainees with the knowledge and experience that are needed for carrying out innovative research projects in topics relating to food production, food security, food safety, sensory perception of food, nutrition-related pathologies, and physiological responses to dietary deficiencies. 

Study tracks: Non-Thesis (40 HUJI credits) / Thesis (24 HUJI credits)

M.Sc. program: Genetics & Breeding (721)

The interdisciplinary program provides a broad theoretical and applied knowledge in various fundamental aspects of genetics and breeding, including classical genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, bioinformatics, quantitative genetics and system biology.  The program trains students to become researchers in the field of genetics, breeding and agricultural biotechnology and eventually become independent plants or animals breeders, based on their comprehensive genetic understanding.


M.Sc. program: Environmental Economics & Management (717)

The program provides deep understanding of the interaction between economic systems and the environment, and equips students with practical tools for internalizing environmental and natural resource considerations in policy and managerial decision-makings.


Study tracks: Non-Thesis (44 HUJI credits) / Thesis (32 HUJI credits) / Marketing Thesis (32 HUJI credits)

M.Sc. program: Soil and Water Sciences (716)

The research and teaching in the Soil and Water teaching program integrate both chemical and physical aspects of the soil, water and atmosphere. The teaching is closely linked to research as well as agricultural work. The curriculum includes specialized courses which provide in-depth knowledge on specific, narrow topics, and bridging courses which link between the various scientific and technological disciplines in the teaching program.


M.Sc. program: Agroecology & Plant Health (715)

The program places an emphasis on deepening the specialization in the areas of entomology, microbiology, phytopathology (plant diseases), nematology and virology, as well as studying and developing novel approaches to plant and environment protection. 


Study tracks: Non-Thesis (40 HUJI credits) / Thesis (24 HUJI credits)

Duration of studies: 2 years in both tracks

M.Sc. program: Horticulture (714)

The program provides students with a deep understanding of the physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and ecology of the fundamental processes in fruit trees, ornamental plants, flowers and forest trees. These culminate in the master's thesis, for which the students harness the theoretical tools they acquired in order to explore problems rooted in the practical needs of agriculture and forestry both in Israel and globally.


M.Sc. program: Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environment (728)

The program provides students with opportunities to study and research various environmental topics, with an emphasis on pollution treatment, overexploitation of natural resources and the influence of agriculture on these issues. The program encompasses chemical, physical, ecological, economical and ethical aspects. The program offers courses taught at the Advanced School of Environmental Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.