
  1. Every teaching program will hold at least one seminar carrying 1 academic credit. Students must participate in at least one seminar during their graduate degree studies (with the exception of students in Department 717, who are required to take 2 seminars of the teaching program). The required tasks for these seminars consist of a lecture and a written assignment.
  2. Teaching programs are entitled to offer students an additional 1 credit in return for submitting an expanded written assignment on the seminar topic, of a suitable length to be decided by the teaching program. Teaching programs that offer this option must include it in the University Course Catalog. Students preparing seminars on the same topic as their thesis may not opt to present an expanded assignment and receive an additional credit.
  3. The teaching program will select an instructor for the seminar, who will be responsible for handing out the seminar topics to students, setting the timetable for students’ lectures, and determining students’ grades and submitting these to the secretariat.
  4. Students must find a supervisor for the seminar whose area of scientific interest is related to the seminar topic the student is interested in. Students’ thesis supervisors may not serve as their seminar supervisor. The name of the supervisor and the chosen seminar topic must be submitted for the approval of the seminar instructor.
  5. The lecture in which students present their seminar topic will be 20–30 minutes long, and will be followed by a discussion of 5–10 minutes.
  6. Students must submit their written assignments—presented in the form of an essay or scientific abstract, as the teaching program decides—to their seminar supervisor. The assignment must be submitted within a month after the end of the course, or (with the approval of the seminar instructor) no later than September 30 in the same year, in accordance with section 8.2 of the University Teaching Policy and Procedures regarding the date for submitting assignments (
  7. Students’ course grades will be decided jointly by the seminar instructor and supervisor. The seminar teacher may also ask the opinions of other instructors in the teaching program for this purpose, as well as the opinions of students in the seminar (as part of peer review). Grades will be determined according to the following parameters: collection of relevant material, understanding and integration of the material, and organizing and presenting it, orally and in writing; demonstration of independent and critical thinking skills; and participation in discussions.