Thesis Supervisor

  1. Students will prepare their thesis with the help of a supervisor(s).
  2. Students must find a supervisor and secure their agreement to act as their supervisor.
  3. An agreement with a supervisor is an entry requirement for studies, and thus must be in place before the student is admitted (for Teaching program 717, supervisor agreements must be in place no later than the end of the second semester of MSc studies). This requirement is designed to prevent, as much as possible, the possibility that students will be forced to halt their studies due to the lack of a supervisor.
  4. Please note that the Faculty/University have no obligation whatsoever to students if they have not reached an agreement with a supervisor, for any reason, or if such an agreement is ended (whether by the student or the supervisor).
  5. If a student is unable to reach an agreement with a supervisor, or if difficulties arise in their relationship with their supervisor, they may ask for help from the head of the teaching program.
  6. The following are eligible to serve as “sole supervisors”:
  • Instructors in the Faculty of Agriculture (including retired instructors) who are members of the teaching body of the Hebrew University, at the rank of lecturer or above.
  • Researchers with the status of full professor or associate professor at the Hebrew University, as long as their appointment remains in force.
  • Researchers at the Agricultural Research Organization (henceforth: “ARO researchers”) who have been authorized to independently supervise research students at the Hebrew University.
  • ARO researchers who have received ad-hoc authorization from the dean to act as supervisors.
  • ARO researchers who teach major courses at the Faculty of Agriculture (as sole instructors of courses carrying at least 2 academic credits) and have done so for at least two years, as long as they are still teaching and their names appear in the University Course Catalog.
  • Supervisors with an extended approval for supervision.
  • The list of ARO researchers entitled to act as sole supervisors to MSc students is available from the Teaching Secretariat.
  • Researchers at the Veterinary Institute who teach at the School of Veterinary Medicine are eligible to supervise students in accordance with the same rules that apply to ARO researchers.
  • As a rule, supervisors may not act as sole supervisor to more than 6 MSc students.
  1. The following are eligible to serve as “co-supervisors” (an external supervisor acting in concert with another independent supervisor):
  • Members of an academic faculty at an Israeli institution for higher education that is recognized by the Council for Higher Education, at the rank of lecturer or above (up to 2 students).
  • ARO researchers, researchers at the Veterinary Institute, or doctors at an Israeli university hospital, at a rank equivalent to lecturer or above, who have received ad-hoc authorization from the dean to act as supervisors.
  1. Calculation of the supervised students’ quota: In cases of joint supervision, the quota will be divided equally between the co-supervisors.
  2. The supervisor is responsible for guiding students in their research and determining:
  • The topic of the student’s thesis
  • The student’s study program, with the approval of the head of the teaching program (or of the study committee of the teaching program)
  • The student’s thesis proposal, with the approval of the head of the teaching program (or of the study committee)
  1. The supervisor may define a “key course” which the student must pass with a grade of at least 80 as a condition for acting as their supervisor.
  2. Supervisors going on sabbaticals or taking a long leave of absence must make arrangements for their students’ supervision in their absence, and must inform the head of the teaching program of these arrangements.