Final Project Report

Final project report 71000. Students of teaching program 717 do not submit a final project report but rather write a theoretical seminar (71108), as specified in section 11a. Students of teaching program 723 list their final project report under theoretical seminar 71112 as specified in section 11b.

1. Students must submit two copies of the final project report plan, signed by their advisor and written according to the guidelines specified by the secretariat, to the head of the teaching department for approval no later than August 31 (or December 31 for students who began their studies in the second semester). The secretariat will distribute the copies among the members of the Study Committee.

2. The Study Committee will discuss the plan within two months of the submittal. Once approved, the committee will transfer one copy to the Office of Student Affairs, no later than the registration period of the students' third semester, and another copy will remain in the teaching program secretariat.

Any delay will bar the students from completing their computer registration to second-year courses. Performing any work before the plan has been approved is at the students' own risk and does not bind the Study Committee.

3. The Study Committee may require students to report – either orally or in writing – on their progress.

4. The final project report will be written in Hebrew and printed on a double-sided A4 paper with a 1.5 line spacing. Special care must be taken to use Hebrew terminology inasmuch as possible; alternatively, terms may be written in English. The thesis will include a printed abstract in English of 2-3 pages. The report may be submitted in English, subject to the advisor's consent, with an abstract in Hebrew. In order to ensure the linguistic quality of the thesis, the quality of writing will be closely scrutinized; poorly written work will be returned to students and they will not be examined on their work until it is up to standard. It is therefore highly recommended to use professional editing services before submitting the report.

5. The final project report should include an abstract, an introduction, a review of the findings of the studies on which the project is based, discussion and conclusions, and bibliography (see further specification in the M.Sc. Thesis section of the thesis track. The cover page and title page should bear the topic of the final project report (at the top of the page); the following in the middle of the page:

Final project report

Submitted to the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

For the Non-Thesis Degree

Master of Sciences in Agriculture

The bottom of the page should bear the student's name and the date. All of the above should be written in Hebrew on one side of the report, and in English on the other side. The second page of the report should bear: "This report was carried out under the supervision of (advisor's title and name; name of the institution to which they belong)

6. The report will not exceed 50 pages (excluding appendices of expanded tabular and raw data).

7. The report will be submitted to the advisor for review and evaluation. The advisor must approve the report (or return it for corrections) within a month of submittal.

8. Evaluation of the report: after receiving the advisor's approval, students must submit 3 copies to the head of the teaching program (in temporary binding). The head of the teaching program will appoint 2-3 referees in addition to the advisor. At least one referee must not belong to the study program in which the report was written (and referees should preferably not be connected to the advisor's research group). If no such referee is found, the head of the teaching program will justify the appointment of referees in a letter to the Teaching Committee.

9. Immediately after appointing the referees, the head of the teaching program will distribute copies of the thesis among them with an evaluation questionnaire.

10. Each referee will review the work, fill out the evaluation questionnaire, and return it discreetly to the head of the teaching program before the exam (the oral exam will not be held before all grades for the final project report have been submitted). The grade will be determined jointly by the supervisor/s (50%) and the referees (50%). In the case of a difference greater than 10 points between the supervisors' average grade and one of the referees' grade, the grade will be the average of each of the referees' grades and the supervisors' average grade. Regarding the grade "excellent" – see section article 5 in the Thesis Defense section of the Thesis Track. The exam will be held within 30 days of the submittal date.

11. Theoretical seminar:

a. In study program 717, the seminar will be given by two teachers who alternate every year. The seminar will be given in 3-4 group meetings each semester. Apart from the first meeting, all other group sessions will be devoted to the students' progress reports. The rest of the meetings are individual and will take place during the advisors' reception hours or other designated times. The seminar topics will be in the specialization areas of the advisors or other teachers in the teaching program (in such case those teachers will be asked to take part in the evaluation).

The seminar grade will be based on the following components:  

Presentation of a progress report by the end of the first semester: 20% of the grade

Presentation of the paper by the end of the second semester: 30% of the grade

Submitting the seminar paper by the end of the second semester: 50% of the grade

b. In study program 723, the seminar grade will be based on submitting the theoretical seminar paper 71112 and giving a talk, and will account for 30% of the final grade; the seminar topics will be provided by the researchers of the Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition as well as the teachers in the various study tracks.

Please note: Students whose only remaining requirement is submitting their final project report will enroll as usual to "final project report" – 71000. Students who submit a confirmation to the secretariat given by the head of the teaching program, that their final project report has been submitted for evaluation no later than December 31, are exempt from enrollment. Any deviation from this timetable will necessitate enrollment and tuition for "final project report