The curriculum shall reflect a specific course of specialization and shall be determined by the teaching program. Students must comply with the following conditions to complete a master's degree in this track:
1. Meet criteria for advancing from first-year to second-year – continuation of studies requires an average of 70 for a minimum of 8 credits (excluding supplementary courses), as well as a study program and a research plan approved by the supervisor and the head of the teaching program. For teaching program 717 - a study program approved by the head of the teaching program.
2. Accumulate 40 master's-level credits, including 2 seminars (except for teaching programs 717, 723).
In teaching program 715 students must accumulate at least 13 credits from the teaching program master's-level courses, and the rest from other master's-level courses.
In teaching program 723 – at least 18 credits from the teaching program master's-level courses, and the rest from other master's-level courses.
In teaching program 717 students must accumulate at least 44 credits, usually consisting of the teaching program master's-level courses and a theoretical seminar designated for this teaching program.
3. Prepare and submit a final project report. In teaching program 717 the final project report will be submitted as part of the theoretical seminar.
4. Pass the course exams and the final project exam, with a minimum passing grade of 60 for each exam.
In teaching program, pass the course exams, the teaching program seminar and the theoretical seminar.
In teaching program 717, pass the course exams and the theoretical seminar.