
  1. Every teaching program will offer at least one seminar with a scope of 1 credit. Students must participate in one seminar during their master's studies. Students of teaching program 717 are required to participate in 1 theoretical seminar, 71108, which is worth 4 credits).
  2. Teaching programs may offer students 1 additional credit for submitting an extended paper related to the seminar topic, at an appropriate scope determined by the teaching program. Teaching programs which allow this must specify this option in the Annual Course Catalogue. Students preparing a seminar on the topic of the thesis may not extend their thesis to receive an extra credit.
  3. Each teaching program shall appoint a coordinator for a period of one or two semesters, in charge of assigning seminar topics to students, scheduling the talks, determining grades and submitting them to the secretariat.
  4. The coordinator shall assign a guide to each student according to their seminar topic.
  5. Students shall present the topic of their seminar in a 20-30 minute talk accompanied by a 5-10 minute discussion. To accommodate scheduling constraints, the coordinator may request students to give their talk for a first-semester seminar during the second semester of that year.
  6. The paper – an academic composition including a review of relevant literature, critical synthesis of the seminar topic, an abstract and bibliography –  shall be submitted to the guide.
  7. The course grade will be determined together by with coordinator and guide. The coordinator may request other teachers of the teaching program, as well as the students participating in the seminar, to review the paper. The following parameters will be considered in determining the grade: understanding, organization and presentation of the material orally and in writing; demonstration of independent and critical thinking; and participation in discussions.